McDonald's worker who sexually assaulted young boy is jailed

Kevin Slater.Kevin Slater.
Kevin Slater.
A Pontefract man who sexually assaulted a young boy and downloaded indecent images of children has been jailed for 20 months.

Kevin Slater, aged 23, admitted sexually assaulting a boy aged under 13 at an address in West Yorkshire last December, Leeds Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor, Katherine Robinson said police seized Slater‘s mobile phone when he was arrested on suspicion of committing that offence.

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More than 200 indecent images of children were found on Slater’s phone.

Miss Robinson said 83 images were classed in category A, the most serious category.

A total of 106 images were Category B and 36 were category C.

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Miss Robinson said: “He (Slater) said he was attracted to ten to 14-year-old boys.”

Mitigating, Michael Collins said Slater, of Eastbourne Terrace, Pontefract, was bullied at school and suffers from Autism, Asperger Syndrome, depression and anxiety.

Recorder Paul Greaney QC told Slater: "I note at the time of the offences you were working at McDonald's and were able to socialise."

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Slater, who has no previous convictions, admitted one charge of sexual assault on a child under the age of 13.

He also pleaded guilty to three charges of possessing indecent images of children.

Jailing Slater for 20 months, Recorder Greaney told him: “I note Some of the category A images depict very young children.”

Recorder Greaney told Slater that he had caused “significant psychological harm” to the boy he sexually assaulted, adding: “Your offending is so serious that only a sentence of immediate custody is appropriate.”

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Slater was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention Order and his name will be on the Sex Offender Register for ten years.