These VE Day treats made my weekend

Karen Wright gets in the VE Day spiritKaren Wright gets in the VE Day spirit
Karen Wright gets in the VE Day spirit
Another bank holiday weekend in lockdown under our belts, but I think we managed to have a good one all the same.

I certainly did because of the VE Day celebrations that were happening. Even just seeing bunting and flags in windows was great, writes Karen Wright

I really enjoyed the coverage on the television and to top it all off we stood outside our door at 9pm and joined other neighbours singing ‘We’ll meet again’. I had printed off the lyrics and our neighbour Rachel kept copies to put in to her children’s memory boxes.

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Our Covid 19 community action group really stepped up to the mark and we put together a special VE Day afternoon tea for delivery.

We had a box with cellophane window to put treats in. We had sandwiches, sausage rolls, even cocktail sticks had Union Jacks on them. A bag of crisps, homemade coleslaw too.

On the sweet front we had cupcakes, mini ones decorated by children, bigger ones by yours truly. There was a homemade scone, a pot of fruit and jelly.

I know they were appreciated, and our group had great fun co ordinating, to put it together.

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Just a reminder that all food banks are always in need of donations, please give if you can.

I know the whole country was waiting for the Prime Minister to give his address on Sunday evening. It seems the words have changed from stay home to stay alert.

As I write, we are waiting for more clarification, but it was clear we can now enjoy our great outdoors providing we maintain the social distancing measures.

I think people have been brilliant at coping with these unprecedented times and I am sure we will all stay alert to our surroundings as we enjoy a bit more freedom.

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We are still unable to visit family and friends we do not share living space with, but we must carry on!

Next week I think it is time for a recipe, something super-fast and very tasty.

Why not buy a roll of puff pastry when you do your shopping and we can put together a savoury tart.

So, enjoy your bit of extra freedom but stay alert! Same time same place next week!