LETTER: Brexit has divided every part of society

The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.
The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.
The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.

I would say that everyone who voted for Brexit, which to be fair was a leave or stay vote, believed they and the country would be better off if we left the EU.

There was no indication that the pre-referendum promises were going to be broken and all manner of tactics used in attempts to cancel, delay and contest our leaving.

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Last Thursday, Boris Johnson set out in his speech the timetable to leaving either on October 31 or before.

The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.
The one thing about Brexit that really puzzles me is the reaction of people and what they believe in.

Once again the negative effort of all those who lost the vote will have an effect upon the work being carried out to ensure our leaving.

What would happen if these people put the same energy into the democratic process of the voting system and aligned themselves with the country and not their personal beliefs?

Not every vote goes the way people want, as history has seen, but generally the decision is abided by and life continues.

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Sadly, the referendum has divided not only the country but families and friends and most of all Parliament.

Whereas most of the population accepted the result, Parliament decided they knew best, MPs whose constituents voted overwhelmingly to leave are the most guilty of causing the ensuing debacle.

These MPs are the ones who should be held accountable for the distressing state of the country.

They are the ones who have reneged on their pre-referendum promise ofrecognising and honouring the result. There is no excuse for their undemocratic and dishonest behaviour and to do the honourable thing they should resign their seats as MPs as should those Tory MPs who won’t work with the Government to bring about a successful Brexit.

The vote was to leave in 2016 and it is a disgrace to democracy that we are still stuck in limbo.

D Angood

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